A Guide to Microsoft 365 GCC vs GCC High
Choose the right licensing for your organization and its compliance goals.
Since the initial Government Community Cloud (GCC) offerings launched, Microsoft has prescribed Microsoft GCC High for NIST 800-171 and DFARS 7012 compliance and continues to highly encourage businesses to use GCC High if they are looking to meet CMMC 2.0.
A company can meet CMMC 2.0 Level 2 requirements associated with cloud-based information systems in Microsoft 365 GCC but will need to consider several business risk factors.

This single-page reference guide will help you navigate which version of the platform is the best long-term choice for your organization. Some of the topics covered:
Which version allows for collaboration with Microsoft DoD?
Which version supports CUI in my environment?
Which is more cost-effective?
Fill out the form in order to determine if GCC or GCC High is right for your organization.

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